Born 8.september Hitra, Fosna, Norway, high up North. Until I was 10 years old we moved a lot, quite a lot – leaving me without the ability to attach – but with a rich inner life. I was determined to be an artist. However, due to a fascination for mathematics, I studied within these fields and eventually wrote a doctoral thesis in computer science. After that, and numerous life experiences, I decided to live my passion – and applied The Florence Academy of Art in Firenze, where I learing the craft, the history of painting and the value of being surrounded by beauty and culture. By now, I live and work from Tromsø, Norway, as a full time painter and teacher for students at my private school.
I paint for my soul.
- Work are to be seen at public and private places and homes in Tromsø, elsewhere in Norway and abroad.
- Public commissioned work to Finnkroken Kirke (Church), 2022. Altarpiece of John the Baptist baptizing Jesus.
NBK – Norske Billedkunstnere. The Association of Norwegian Visual Artists
LNM – Landsforeningen Norske Malere. The Association of Professional Norwegian Painters
2019: September. Nerdrum-school, Stavern, Norway.
2013 : Completed three year certificate program in painting from Florence Academy of Art (FAA). Norwegian NOKUT qualified three year voactional school.
2012-2013: Sculpture for painters at FAA
2009-2010: Teaching Pedagogic, University of Tromsø.
– 2010: Classes in drawing and painting – portrait and landscape.
-2008: University studies. Master of Science, Computer Science and Mathematics. Dr. Scient Computer Science. University of Tromsø.
2025 Upcoming: Samisk senter for samtidskunst, Sami Daiddaguovddas (SDG), Karasjok. “Voices from Sapmi”. Duo exhibition with Solveig Labba. 20.06-31.08.
2025 Upcoming: Alta Kunstforening, Alta. “Voices from Sapmi”. Solo exhibition. 10.09-31.12.
2023: Senjautstillingen. Postgården Finnsnes. 30.11-26.12. Juryed Exhibition.
2023: TU – Tromsøutstillingen. Tromsø Kulturhus. 31.10-26.11. Group exhibition. Kunstsentralen Nord
2023: Exhibition Tromsø Kulturhus during TIFF – Tromsø International Film Festival, TIFF,16-24.01: “Voices from Sapmi”, Sami portraits.
2022: Exhibition “Sami portraits, smaller studies” at BeiJing Restaurant, Tromsø. 11.11-20.12.2022
2022: FAA students in Norway. Collective exhibition from 25 former FAA students. Jessheim Kunstforening, – 29th. of May.
2022: Royal Society of Portrait Painters, Juryed exhibition. Finalist. Mall Galleries, London, Thursday 5 May to Saturday 14 May 2022.
2021. Florence Academy of Art curated online exhibition featuring the work of female graduates from FAA. From 15. of May.
2021: NNBK 50-års jubileum. Group exhibition “Understrømmer”, Galleri Nord-Norge, Harstad, 02.10-07.11.21
2021: NNBK 50-års jubileum. Group exhibition “Hildring”, Tromsø Kunstforening, Tromsø, 17.06-31.08.21
2021: NNBK 50-års jubileum, Group exhibition, “Solhund”, Galleri 2, Stamsund 17.06-31.08.21
2021: Nord-Norske Bildene Kunstnere 50-års jubileum, “Equinox”, Bodø Kunstforening. 06.03-18.04
2021: Portrait Now! 8th Portrait Competition for Nordic artists. Participating in juried exhibition, Fredriksborg Castle, Denmark, 07.05-05.11 and Ljungbergmuseet, Sweden
2021: Finalist for Royal Society of Portrait Painters, Juried Exhibition, Mall Galleries, May 2021, London
2021: Nordlysfestivalen, selected artist for the exhibition “People in the time of the Corona”. 30.01-10.02 Curated by Kunstsentralen Nord
2020: Tromsø Open. Tromsø Kunstforening. Group exhibition. 17.09-04-10.
2020: BP British Portrait Award 2020, Juried exhibition. Pre-selected with “Ester”, National Portrait Gallery, May 2021, London.
2020: Nordlysfestivalen, selected artist for the festival. Tromsø, January 23 – February 2. Curated by Kunstsentralen Nord
2019: Kunstløypa, Tromsø. 16-23.06. Collective exhibition. Curated by Kunstsentralen Nord
2019: Full Palette. Fundraiser exhibition. Florence Academy of Art US, Salmagundi Gallery, New York, 29.05-21.06
2019: Portrait Now!. 7th Portrait Competition for Nordic artists. Juried exhibition Fredriksborg Castle, Denmark, 10.05-05.08 and Ljungbergmuseet, Sweden 07.09-17.11.2019
2018: Tromsø Open, Group exhibition artists in Tromsø, Skippergata 28.09-02.10
2018: Solo Exhibition “Med Guds vilje I”, Arctic Cathedral, Tromsø. 14.04-26.06
2017: Exhibition “Small Stories” at BeiJing Restaurant, Tromsø. 24.10-8.11
2017: Plein air paintings from Tromsø Skibsverft. Collective exhibition. Tromsø Bibliotek. 1-31. october
2016: Tromsø Open. (,Kafe Eka, Tromsø Kunstforening, Group exhibition showing the diversity of artists in the Tromsø area, nov 19th-20th.
2016: Krystallnatta. Portrettutstilling av den jødiske befolkning i Tromsø. Sammen med Hans Ragnar Mathisen, BeiJing Restaurant, Tromsø, nov 9 – des 1.
2015: Florence Academy of Art Alumni Tromsø, Group Exhibition. At AB Studios Gallery. 29.10-31.12
2015: June. Pre-selected for Figurativas Painting and Sculpture competition 2015.
2015: Florence Academy of Art, Alumni Exhibition, selected works, MANA Contemporary, New York, May 3th – July 24th.
2014: Solo Exhibition at Elisabeth-senteret, “Potpourri”, Tromsø, November 13th – Desember 6th
2014: “Represent 2014”, Group exhibiton, Florence Academy of Art initiative, Westbourne Grove, London, September 11th-13th
2014: Tromsø Open (, Bangsundbrygga, Tromsø, Group exhibition showing the diversity of artists in the Tromsø area, april 3th-30th.
2011: “G” in Tromsø, Norway, august 1th-31th
Sparebanken Nord-Norge, home residence stipend, 2022
Tromsø Kommune, stipend artactivities for professionals, 2024
- Nordlys newpaper and nett, 18.01.23.
- Tromsø Love, City Magazine.
- Sagat newspaper: 12.11.2022
- Sagat. Newspaper and nett. 08.09.2022
- Sagat. Newspaper and nett. 10.03.2022
- Sagat. Newspaper and nett. 18.01.2022
- Avvir sami newspaper and nett. “Son lea njuohtagoahtan gavttehasaid ja haliidivcce sapmelaccaid modeallan”. 07.02.2021
- Nordlys nett. Nordlysfestivalutstillingen 2021. Om utstillingen “Mennesker i livet, i koronaens tid”. 28.Januar 2021
- Tromsø nett. Nordlysfestivalutstillingen 2021. “Én uke før utstillinga måtte Kristin planlegge alt på nytt – nå skal kunsten stilles ut i sentrumsbutikkenes vinduer”. 28.01.21
- Nordlys newspaper and nett and Portrett Tromsøfolk. 24.01.2021
- “Nordlysfestivalutstillingen 2021” 22.01.2021.
- Nordlys newspaper and nett. “Fremmer lokal kunst. Tromsovaringer aner ikke hvor mange skatter som ligger skjult her i byen”. Nordlysfestivalutstillingen 2020. 25.01.2020
- Tromsø newspaper and nett. “Kunstnere fra Tromsø og Senja stiller ut musikalske malerier”. 24.01.2020
- Kulturmagasinet Plnty. “Maleriets musikalitet, orkestral bildekunst på Nordlysfestivalen”. Januar 2020
- Tromsø newspaper and nett. “Tromsøkunstner med på internasjonal portrettutstilling”. 12.05.2019
- Tromsø newspaper and nett. “Kunstelever fra Breivang VGS åpnet torsdag sin første utstilling hos galleri AB Kunst og Rammer”. 16.06.2016. Anna-Brith har undervist elevene i å male selvportrett.
- Nordlys newspaper and nett. “100 kvadrat med license to paint”. 29.10.2105
- Tromsø newspaper and nett. “Ny bedrift i Tromsdalen”. 19.11.2014
- Tromsø newspaper and nett. “Speiler seg i lerretet”. 26.11.2013