It was a bit too cold, so we did the plein air session indoor – on the subject trees.


I gave a lesson on how to view trees, both as individuals and as groups, how to arrange, rearrange (compose), values, integration, atmosphere.




palett-sA demonstration on the greens in a landscape, from the hill in the back to the very green in the front, was given. Using the palette on the picture.



Edgar Payne


Then a printout of a painting of Edgar Payne was handed out for copy. A very useful exercise on a not so useful day for painting outdoor.





I’ve added some of the composition charts, what you can consider and what you definitely should avoid,  from Edgar Paynes book Composition in Landscape Painting – a recommendation along with Carlson’s guide to landscape painting by John F. Carlson.

Microsoft Word - PS_Composition.doc

avoid-payneMicrosoft Word - PS_Composition.doc